meet bobby kendall
early hunting obsession
As a kid grew I up in the suburbs of Charlotte, North Carolina. I remember waking up Saturday mornings at the crack of dawn to watch shows like Cabela's Under Wild Skies, Realtree's Monster Bucks and Tom Miranda's Adventures even though hunting wasn’t really a part of my family’s traditions.
My parents soon found an older Gentleman with a hunting lease to take me under his wing. We would fill feeders, work on trails and stands throughout the summer and eventually I would hunt for the first time with him. I saw very few deer and it wasn’t until 2 years later I killed my first doe at an outfitter in NC at 14. I was obsessed and hooked at a young age. I learned a very unique style of hunting deer in the pines of the Carolinas.

After a few years of college I decided to take a year off and guide for an outfitter in West Central Illinois. It was right around this time I met Toby Stay's father at a gas station in Lake George which led me to a job interview (shed hunting) with Toby in Brown County, IL and my first fall of guiding to follow.
For the next several years I spent the falls guiding for Toby and the rest of the year playing music in upstate NY and eventually recording an album and opening for major acts like Blake Shelton, Eric Church and Willie Nelson to name a few around the country. I always ended up back in Illinois for deer season and eventually started playing music in trade for hunting around the golden triangle and leasing my own properties.

starting the whitetail group
After purchasing some investment properties I bought my first 25 acre farm in Brown County, IL. The rest is history. I have developed dozens and dozens of farms that I have acquired ever since, never settling for a one size fits all formula and always raising the bar with ideas and proven strategies. I have personally harvested a 211″, 201", 189″, 184″, 183″, 176″, 173″, 170″, 169″, 167″, 168″, 165″ 163″, 162″, 160″ and several others as well since my first 147″ Midwest buck in 2007.
I have a wonderful family with my rock Ashley, my boy Bobby and my girl Monroe. Without their love and support, none of this would be possible. I look forward to helping others achieve their dreams of becoming Midwest Land Owners and harvesting giant bucks consistently on their own ground!